Capn Design

Rating: of 10

American Idol 2: Ep. 2

I waited a little too long to write this, so I will have forgotten all of the funny parts. Nonetheless, here goes. The second one, I think, was even funnier than the first one. These first episodes don't have a whole lot of drama, but they are ridiculously funny. I don't know how I feel about this tactic as the rest of the show will be less like "America's Funniest Home Videos" and more like "Survivor," or something. And although they'll get a lot of people watching these first few episodes it isn't what's going to hook them. Last summer people started filling in after the drama began. The big difference is that all of those people are back this time, for better or worse.

So this episode had a lot of horrible singing and hillarious attempts, but there were a couple people who will definitely be moving on. First, I think that the guy who was dressed in black and was slightly balding is going to go really far. He was the one that made Simon go, "Thank You God." He was a great singer and had a very likeable personality. I see him making it to the Top 5.

This reminds me of something else, do you think that this is rigged at all? I mean, last season a few stinkers got through when there were amazing singers biting the dust. It's also weird how the amount of talent really hasn't increased much this year. You would think that a whole lot of hidden talent would surface after the popularity of the first season. I guess time will tell for that question.

Next we have one more week of hilarity, and then it's on to some serious drama.