Mike Errico
12/14/02 | Live
I love seeing Mike Errico. He reminds me that seeing a good folk-rock singer-songwriter dude is usually a really good experience. I like the banter/music combo, so long as both are entertaining. Mike is very entertaining.
The best part about the show was the "holiday show" part. Every year Mike has a holiday show where he gives out "omens." These are little gifts that have a meaning. It will give you insight into the upcoming year. I got a frisbee from Yahoo! and I don't know what to think about that. It's certainly much better than the two guys in my group who got books on how to "mack women" and "women's best-kept secrets." I would hate for that to be a telling gift. The best gift was the doctor set that Jori got. Mike signed it with a very crude message. He he.
After the show I was able to speak to Mike for a bit, which was nice. He remembered me from all our encounters and the few promotional things I've done for him. He's definitely a good person. I'm excited to get a hold of his next studio album, whenever it arrives.
Oh, the music was really good too.
12/16/02 10:09 AM
Jealous, jealous, jealous. Next time you see your buddy Mike, bully him into coming to Boston again.