Capn Design

Rating: of 10

Dismemberment Plan, John Vanderslice, Quruli

So far, the first show in NYC where I enjoyed every band. Quruli is a Japanese band and they were playing their first gig in the States. They were amazing, playing 45 straight minutes without breaks. I was really impressed and bought a CD. That makes 3 japanese pop-punk bands (Husking Bee, Eastern Youth).

Vanderslice was also great. The album is better, but that's only because it is so reliant on the samples and ambient sounds used throughout the album. The drummer was redonkulous. Yelling, high (literally) cymbals, energy and begging the audience for drugs.

The D-Plan was a good time. I must admit that I don't know a lot of their older stuff. I like the new stuff a whole lot better and their old stuff is, at best, fun. Change is a brilliant album. They also played a bunch of new material and it was all really good except for one song. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with that. To be fair, I'm going to check out Emergency & I to be sure I only enjoy their newer material. Despite this moaning and groaning, I had a lot of fun watching the Plan and will see them if they come to town again.


emergency & i = way better than change.

if you really want to dig early stuff, get Is Terrified or "!". both are really good, but it's not as instantly likable as E&I. p.s. when they played in madison the crowd sucked. be glad you saw them in nyc.

Hey. I was just looking for reviews of Quruli shows on the Net to post on my mailing list (Pure Japanese Rock - see URL) and I found your review here. That's great that you liked them. They're one of my favorites (although my list of "favorite" Japanese bands is pretty big (I love eastern youth too, and Husking Bee's on my "like" list). Anyway, if you feel like checking out more great Japanese rock bands like Quruli, check out my mailing list. We'd love to have you.

Talk to you later.

Brian Dunn
J>E Translator
Seattle, WA