Capn Design

Rating: 8 of 10

Avenue Q

Last night my lady was so kind as to treat me to an evening at the theater. She was able to get first row rush tickets too! As she pointed out, the gods were with us last night. The show we saw was Avenue Q and it was awesome.

Avenue Q is a puppet musical, that is definitely for adults. Puppets are good for kids, but songs like "The Internet is for Porn," and "I Wish I Could Go Back to College" are not. This unusual combination of puppetry and issues that I am facing right now made the play especially poignant (definitely much more the college thing and not so much the porn thing). It is a lot easier to hear difficult things when they're sung by puppets.

The staging and puppetry was great and singing was very good (not excellent, but it didn't have to be), but the play was just fun. It's tough to be there and not have a smile on your face. Definitely recommended for the twenty- and thirty-somethings of the world.


God DAMMIT I'm so jealous. God was not with us when we tried. POOOOOP. Maybe it'll come to SF.