Capn Design

Rating: 8 of 10

I hate period pieces and am constantly bored by the British monarchy, but this movie was awesome. It actually makes me want to read more about George VI!

If you’ve seen the movie already, I suggest you watch the following. It’s the speech that King George VI gave after they entered World War II. If you haven’t seen it, you should definitely skip this. It’s total spoiler material.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t a copy of his speech at Wembley Stadium that started off the film. If you have any luck, I will buy you a pack of Pretzel M&Ms.


thanks for sharing. loved the movie and this actual recording is really remarkable and moving.

this is bunkywu by the way. seems to not have picked up my google id.

Wow, it really does a shitty job with Google logins. I don't remember it being so awful. Thanks for bug-testing, bunkywu!

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