Capn Design

Rating: 9 of 10

Pirates of the Carribean

Arr Matey! How did ye know this movie would be so good? Arrr! Wow, I was so impressed by the quality of this film. Johnny Depp completely stole the show and made this a movie to remember. The idea of seeing pirates on the big screen was enough to get me to the theater but Depp was just fabulous. He was funny, evil, smart, caring, everything. His character may be one of my favorites of all time.

The acting and storyline of Orlando Bloom's character was fine, but alone it would not have been enough. Without Depp the film would have had a plot as devoloped as Maid in Manhattan. Of course, the booty here is dabloons and not cellulite, but I digress. I'll be honest and say I didn't notice much about the special effects or the filmmaking itself, which is a testament to the story and the quality of the film. When you don't notice any problems it usually means they are doing things right.

This movie is the best summer movie I have seen. I'll be that guy and say, "If there's only one movie you see this summer, Pirates of the Carribean should be it!"