Capn Design

Rating: B+ of 10

Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs

Chuck Klosterman will never win a Pulitzer but I don't care and he shouldn't either. His books and writing are a little too true and always interesting. Growing up in a generation right behind is I can relate to a lot of his pseudo-memoirs/rants and it makes this book a blast to read.

The only reason I can't give this book a higher grade is because I didn't get much out if it. The content itself is amusing but not life-altering. The only proufound effect derived from this book can be attributed to some of the backlash surrounding its content (specifically in the NY Press). Their claims go further than mine in that they call this book totally unnecessary. I disagree. I think this book is 100% necessary because he is the first to really document the life of a 20ish, 30ish rocker growing up in the 80s. There are thousands, if not millions, of people this age who spend a ridiculous amount of time picking apart the little things -- he is just one the first to publish a book with this thoughts.

At the very least, this book will be a testament to how our generation looked at the world.