Today, Khoi and Scott are launching a fantastic new iPad app and I want you to know about it! Mixel allows you to create and remix collages of images using your fingers and your iPad. It’s easy to do and a lot of fun, even if you just want to consume others’ work. I’ll let Khoi explain it in his own words.
But we chose collage for a very important reason: it makes art easy. Photos, the component pieces of every collage, are among the most social and viral content on the Web, and allowing people to combine them into new, highly specific expressions of who they are and what they’re interested in is powerful. Collage also has a wonderfully accessible quality; few people are comfortable with a brush or a drawing implement, but almost everyone is comfortable cutting up images and recombining them in new, expressive, surprising or hilarious ways. We all used to do this as kids.
I’ll end with my most popular Mixel (so far) and a recent fave. Happy mixing!