Earlier this week, it came out that the star of Man vs. Wild and the production team have been staying in hotels during survival challenges. Since the show purports that star Bear Grylls (supposedly that's his actually name) is toughing it out on his own, many are upset that the show is not 100% real.
To those people I say, do you see that rectangular glowing box in front of you? It's a television and very rarely shows anyone's real life. Did you consider the camera crew with him and what would happen if Bear were in danger? Do you think Bear is an expert in every area he visits or do you think maybe he gets some help?
The show is about explaining how to deal with extreme situations and I'd rather see him in the field with a little help than in the hospital battling dehydration. If he has to spend some time in a hotel, fine by me. I'm sure that I'm better off with his tips than I am without.
07/29/07 3:59 PM
i totally agree with you thanks for the post
07/29/07 7:17 PM
Here, here! I liked when he bit into that live salmon. Good TV.
07/29/07 9:05 PM
Agreed. And, of course, just because he knows how to survive in the wilderness doesn't mean he should have to live in the wilderness forever. Silly.
07/30/07 9:05 AM
i just like to see him all wet and semi-nude...jk, i agree with you.
07/30/07 9:16 AM
I think anyone who doesn't realize this isn't totally real is an idiot. The show is intended to be instructional only, and there's times where he even has the camera turned off because a situation becomes too dangerous. It's all very obviously controlled.
Besides, the fact that he'd willingly drink urine or eat a sheep eyeball when he could just wait for the comfort of his hotel room to eat makes him even more bad ass.
07/30/07 3:38 PM
i'd rather see him lying in the desert dead from dehydration. not that i wish him ill will, but because it would make for great television. think of the ratings!
08/06/07 6:40 AM
This show was presented as real. True, only morons would believe that (plenty of them around) but..
The advice he gives is no good, it would get you killed.