This is more like a thematic quick post roundup than a real post, but the main section of the blog was feeling stale. Here's some potentially important new that came out today:
- Senate Finance Committee Approves $28 Billion in Tax Breaks for Renewable Fuels: If approved by the Senate (there was a vote, but they didn't get the 60 votes needed to end debate), it will go to any energy company that is working with renewable sources with lots of it going towards clean-burning coal. Sadly, a provision to promote diesel fuels made from coal was shot down. I actually don't know if that's bad, but I've been all amped about diesel fuel since Honda announced the 2009 Accord Diesel that gets 52 miles per gallon and burns clean. Yay Honda!
- Senate Approves Stricter Fuel Standards: All cars and SUVs will be required to get 35 mpg by 2020. That's a really long ways away, but it's a start.
- Researchers Find a Way to Turn Fruit Into a Biofuel 40% More Efficient than Ethanol: While it's a much better option than ethanol, they haven't been able to test the long term effects of this fructose and sucrose based fuel on the environment. Even if it doesn't work out, at least the scientists who did the work are from my alma-mater, UW-Madison. If this solves our energy crisis, I'll buy you each a case of Sprecher Root Beer.