Capn Design

June 2007

This month I posted 18 entries, crafted 17 tweets, listened to 280 songs, watched 1 video, bookmarked 2 sites, took 7 photos and favorited 3 things.

Normalize Your Top 50 Artists List on

This script looks at another database to find the average track time for each artist and adjusts accordingly. Punk bands go down, jam bands go up. [via frankko]

Fuel News You Can Use!

Posted June 21, 2007

This is more like a thematic quick post roundup than a real post, but the main section of the blog was feeling stale. Here's some potentially important new that came out today:

Beautiful Shelves Built by Pratt Students

They built these for the office in Dwell's Building Green series.

Helvetica (the Documentary) will be at the IFC Center Starting September 12th

Finally, I'll get to see it. w00t.

Safari's New Web Inspector is Looking Nice

Unfortunately, you can't actually edit any of the code like in Web Developer. If they iron this out and have a good way to sync open tabs like Google Browser Sync, I'd consider switching back from Firefox.

Your Next Computer Will Be a Big Ass Table

Great send-up of Microsoft Surface [via waxy]

Video: Japanese Human Tetris

A game show where people have to fit in specific holes. When people fail, hilarity ensues. [via defective yeti]

First Clouds, Then Sun: 1963

I love this photo from Shorpy, the 100 year-old photoblog

Video: Trailer for SuperBad

Another Apatow project that looks phenomenal; better than the Knocked Up trailer looked. Also: Here is the red-band trailer, which is doubly awesome but requires age verifcation via DMV records (or you could just download the flv file)

A Very Believable Explanation of the Final Sopranos Scene

I won't give details, but this guy has a great memory and it most likely contradicts with my theory.

Threadless reprinted their Mario-inspired "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" shirt

I just bought one.

iTunes Movie Rentals Coming in the Fall?

$2.99 for 30 days is the rumor. I hope this is the first of many tidbits to come out during today's Stevenote.

My Take on the Sopranos Series Finale

Posted June 11, 2007

Before you begin, here is your serious spoiler warning (duh). I will be talking about the ending, mostly.

Are all the time-shifters gone? Good.

Everyone seems to be pissed off about how the series ended. After some thought, I'm totally at ease (and I kinda called it, too). While he didn't get whacked, didn't end up in jail and he didn't, well, he didn't end up doing anything, the man was at peace. With the potential threat of jail time, someone trying to kill him, A.J.'s mental health, Meadow's uncertain future and an inept family (blood and otherwise), he ordered some delicious onion rings.

Halfway through the episode Tony self-diagnoses himself in front of A.J.'s shrink and seems pretty easy going about it (he wasn't tense and confrontational, like in his normal sessions). Before the final, nerve-wracking scene, we see Tony visit Junior and he appears to have accepted that Junior is sick and it's time to move on. When we get to the final scene Tony puts on the karaoke classic, "Don't Stop Believin'", and I assume the chorus is meant to be taken somewhat seriously. So, despite not knowing Tony's actual fate, we know that Tony is finally a man in a comfortable place, even if he is a sociopath.

The show has always been about the way people deal with the world ("feelins") and just happens to be set in the world of crime. Gangsters will always shoot, bone and plunder and that should be understood. While it's corny, Tony's inner peace is what gives the show closure. If not the show, then at least me.

NYMag: The Local Sound

Editors ask people on the street what they're listening to. I had this idea as a daily/weekly feature for Capn Design but never made it happen. I'm glad NYMag did.


Halfway down the page you'll find an $8 Mac Utilty that shows signal strength and password requirements for wifi networks in your menu bar. Ridiculously useful. [via Pogue]

Mukesh Ambani is Building a Sixty-Story Mansion for his Family

There are only five family members but there will be 600 staff members, six floors for parking, mini movie theatre, health center and three helipads. That seems totally reasonable. [via Core 77]

Diesel Sweeties: Bands I Like, Bands You Like Venn Diagram

It's funny cuz it's true

What the World Eats: A Photo Gallery

I guess it's all similar nuclear families, but I want to see someone who eats out more or who is really wealthy. It seemed like it was only middle-income families from that particular region.

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