Capn Design

December 2006

This month I posted 9 entries, listened to 100 songs, watched 2 videos, bookmarked 10 sites, took 73 photos and favorited 5 things.

Tops of 2006: Music

Posted December 31, 2006

For this first year in recent memory, music wasn't my thing this year. It's funny because I couldn't have imagined ever feeling that music wasn't a big part of my life. It will be interesting to see if things shift back to normal in 2007.

I've decided to just compile my top five albums and give you a list of some other good ones. The top five are ones I listened to consistently and thoroughly enjoyed. The list below are albums that I didn't spend enough time with the warrant numbering. Here are the lists...

1. Guster - Ganging Up on the Sun
Guster is truly an amazing band and one that's grown with me. Back in the days of Parachute they were two acousitic guitars, some bongos and fantastic harmonies. Now they've gained a member, dropped the bongos (for the most part) and have become a fantastic band. It makes me incredibly happy that their album is my favorite of the year after being a fan for 9 years.

2. The Kooks - Inside In Inside Out
I still can't believe The Kooks are so young. The album has a quiet maturity and great breadth. Definitely worth picking up.

3. Morning Runner - Wilderness Is Paradise Now
The U.K. onslaught continues with an album packd with fun. This is their second album and is better than the first.

4. Aberfeldy - Do Whatever Turns You On
Yet another U.K artist with a second album that improves on their first. This album is a bit more laid back, but has melodies that will keep you whistling for days.

5. Gnarls Barkley - St. Elsewhere
I remember hearing "Crazy" for the first time and being blown away. I still think it's one of my favorite songs of all time. Then the album came out and I was again blown away with their stage show and Cee-lo's energy. I can't wait to see what these boys do next.

Damien Jurado - And Now That I'm In Your Shadow
Eef Barzelay - Bitter Honey
Ratatat - Classics
Clipse - Hell Hath No Fury
Yo La Tengo - I Am Not Afraid Of You And I Will Beat Your Ass
Grizzly Bear - Yellow House
Joanna Newsom - Ys
Wolfmother - S/T
The Mountain Goats - Get Lonely
The Decemberists - The Crane Wife

Previous Years' Music Lists:
2003: 1-15 16-30

Give the Gift of Noshing

Ed provides my favorite holiday gift roundup of the season

Teachers: Claim Your Free Copy of An Inconvenient Truth

If your school can afford to buy a copy, I suggest you do that so others can take advantage of this offer.

Eclipse is a New DVD Line by the Criterion Collection

On Monday they'll announce a new line of hard-to-find DVDs that lack all the supplemental material a Criterion disc contains. The DVDs will retail for around $15 and their first series will be early Ingmar Bergman films.

The Thing About Georgie

My friend Lisa Graff has her first book coming out in February and it's up for preorder now. It may be for young adults, but it's about a dwarf. How can you go wrong!

DS Buttons

Wear these on your bag to find people for impromptu games

Wii Photos on Flickr

I love browsing this tag

Awesome Ad: A Dental Implants with Bowling Pins for Teeth

Hello There, Serious Eats

Posted December 4, 2006

20061204SElogo.jpgYou've know for a while that I've been writing for A Hamburger Today and you've known for a week that I've got a new job and know you'll know about the fantastic coincidence that joins these together.

Today marks the official launch of Serious Eats, a site implemented by all of us at Apperceptive. What's nutty about it is that Adam, my burger-lover in arms at AHT, is the managing editor. Yep, we both ended up with new jobs that let us work on food blogs for money (more him than me, though).

Coincidence aside, Serious Eats is looking sharp. It's backed by tons of awesome people (Ed Levine, Meg Hourihan and Alaina Browne to name a few) and has the makings of a great community. I'm always overwhelmed by Chowhound and put off by the pomposity of eGullet's members, so I'm ready for Serious Eats to provide all the answers I need.

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  • Softlightes
  • Clipse
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