Posted November 30, 2006
The Blip Festival hit NYC tonight and is sticking around through the weekend. It's a festival of chiptunes and many of the big names will be here including Nullsleep, Bit Shifter and Cory Arcangel.
On Saturday at 3pm there will be a screening of 8 Bit, a movie all about chiptunes. I saw it at MoMA a couple months ago and really enjoyed it. Hell, it's only $5.
I'm wishing I could see Cory Arcangel's new flim, Super Mario Movie, which will be played at 8pm on Saturday to start of the evening's festivities. I'd also recommend you check out Nullsleep's presentation about creating chiptunes, NES Music: From Concept To Cartridge, on Sunday from 2pm-4pm.
I think I might check out the show tomorrow night if anyone's interested.
Posted November 30, 2006

Several months ago, I became hooked on Prison Break. It's not the deepest show, but it's pretty frickin' clever. Unfortunately, what was once intended to be a ten part mini-series is now in the middle of its second season and seems to be flying by the seat of its pants.
To bring everyone up to speed, the show is about a man wrongfully accused of murder and his brother who gets himself incarcerated just so he can break them both out. The first season drags this out over 20+ episodes and it works just fine. Now they're on the run and you can't help but wonder where it's going. There will most certainly be another 12 episodes and probably a third season, but what else is going to happen. The show is called Prison Break and, well, they are out of prison.
Instead of stretching a plot close to, and possibly past, it's breaking point, Fox should end the show this season. Obviously, they won't do it so long as the show is profitable, which is why I propose this (yes, I'm finally getting to the point): they should start a new show next season with the same major actors. Truth is, I'm over this plotline but I would happily watch these guys work together as part of an international peace-keeping supergroup (or something).
Unlike television, the movie industry seems to have this concept down. In film, ongoing storylines go against the nature of the medium and are therefore rare and often degrade over time (hello Star Wars). So, when there is a success, the crew will often work together again (e.g. Christopher Guest and crew, Steven Soderbergh and the Cloon) or they'll take the same framework and replace the cast (e.g. the Bond films, anything produced by Jerry Bruckheimer).
Television should really give this a shot. When The Wire finally comes to a close, I don't want to see those guys split up. I'm sure David Simon could find a new use for them. That being said, I'd be happy if they just moved the location to Philadelphia and called it The Tap.
Posted November 22, 2006
While I don't talk about my professional life on Capn Design very much (at least not anymore), I figured this was worth mentioning. I'm currently in the third week of a new job. I've left Jewish National Fund (amicably, of course) and moved on to a small web development shop by the name of Apperceptive. The majority of our business is in the blog world and that makes me very happy.
I've got more to say about the move, but I've decided to relegate my personal blogging to my vox blog. In fact, this will likely be a friends only post. So, if you're dying to read it, you better sign up for vox.
Physics Promises Wireless Power Imagine never having to plugin anything in again. Can't wait.
Posted November 14, 2006

Jason pointed out this great Nintendo-inspired artwork from Bob Dob. The paintings above are my favorite, but I also loved this one and this one. Lucky for us, we can buy some of his work here and here.