Capn Design

June 2006

This month I posted 22 entries, listened to 457 songs, watched 5 videos, bookmarked 10 sites, took 30 photos and favorited 2 things.

Nike SB "HR Pufnstuf" Punk Lows

I want these now. Woh, am I turning to Nikes?

Lake Gunisao

Posted June 26, 2006

I'm on a plane about to leave for Gunisao Lake, which is 275 miles North of Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada. While trying to figure out the weather for the trip I looked at Google Earth to figure out what cities were nearby. There aren't any. Below are some shots of the area so you can see exactly how far out it is.

As you might guess, I'll have no access to cell service or the internet there, which should be a nice break. See you in a week.



Food Diary: Days 4-7

Posted June 26, 2006

Okay, so I got lazy. I kept the log, but I didn't bother putting it up until now (day 7 might be a little spotty; I think I missed a few things). So shoot me. Tien, you are far more regimented than I.

Day 4: Friday

8:25am HOME Banana
10:30am WORK Sesame bagel with cream cheese from street vendor
11:37am Start 32oz. of water
2:00pm 1/3 of my leftover Blockheads Burrito, small container of salsa, 1/2 of a small bag of tortilla chips
2:09 Finished water
2:17 Started 20oz water
4:18 12oz. Sprite
5:40 ANGELIKA FILM CENTER Medium bag of popcorn
8:25 BURGERS AND CUPCAKES Cheeseburger, 1/2 a basket of fries, carrot cupcake, glass of water, 2 bites of a vanilla cupcake
10:30 HOME Glass of water

Day 5: Saturday

10:28am HOME 20 dry Trader Joe's Frosted Mini-Wheats
10:44 Bowl of TJ's Raisin Bran with 1% milk
12:56pm AMC EMPIRE 25 Start 24oz. of water
1:28 2/3 of a box of Junior Mints
2:21 Finish water
4:27 Start 24oz. of water
4:37 The rest of the Junior Mints
5:46 Nature Valley Oats & Honey Granola Bar
6:10 Finish water
7:11 McDONALD'S Cheeseburger
8:57 FETCH 1 Glass of water, 1 Diet Coke, Blackened Salmon with Tomato, Avocado, Corn and Zucchini
12:04am HOME Glass of water

Day 6: Sunday

10:28am HOME Bowl of Honey Puffed Kashi with 1% milk
12:58pm Leftover Salmon from yesterday, 1 small strip of grilled chicken, 1 Fresca
2:26pm 30 pistachois, 1 glass of water
3:21 1 hot dog gummy candy
3:57 1/2 of a Spinach Pitza (yes, Pitza) from Bedouin Tent
5:24 McCARREN PARK Started drinking water
9:14 Finished water, drank 84oz. total
10:04 HOME Two Trader Joe's Corn & Bean Enchiladas, glass of water
10:31 1 gummy hot dog candy

Day 7: Monday

8:29am HOME Bowl of Honey Puffed Kashi wih 1% milk
10:06 WORK Begin 32oz. of water
1:12pm Turkey burger with fries from America's Burgers & Wraps, Diet Coke
3:39 Banana
4:14 Finished water
8:42 YEMEN CUISINE (Great place, could only find an out-dated Voice review) Chicken Galaba, Yeminite soup (no clue), Salad with carrot ginger-ish dressing, 2 glasses black tea
9:47 LAST EXIT BAR 1 fountain Coke
11:36 HOME 1/2 glass of water

Trailer for Sacha Baron Cohen's Borat

Out November 4th. I like.

The First Look at Season 4 of The Wire

[via dangerous universe]

The ShackCam is Up!

Now you can monitor the Shake Shack line 24/7/365 [via A Hamburger Today]

Ze and The Show are Profiled in Today's NYT Styles Section

They're focusing on the Fabuloso Friday show from 6/9/06

Food Diary: Day 3

Posted June 16, 2006

The dam is starting to break...

Day 3: Thursday

8:28am HOME 1 bowl of Trader Joe's Rasin Bran with 1% milk
10:34 WORK Begin 30oz. of water
10:37 2 baby carrots
11:21 1 bing cherry
12:33pm 2 bing cherries
1:04 1 Two-thirds of a chicken burrito from Blockheads, 12oz. Diet Coke
3:14 Granny smith apple
4:34 Finished water
8pm TIEN'S HOUSE 1 pint of water
8:13 LOMZYNIANKA Vegetable soup (potato-based?), a bite of cucumber salad, a bite of kielbasa, a bite of stuffed cabbage, a plate of boiled cheese and potato pierogies
10:30 HOME 1 Choco Taco, the best ice cream snack around

Chicago Tribune's 50 Best Magazines: 2006 Edition
The Morning News: One Day in NYC

This seemed to fit in with my current food diary. [via kottke]

Food Diary: Day 2

Posted June 15, 2006

I didn't eat quite as much, but I didn't eat as well. I have a feeling it's just going to get worse through the weekend.

Day 2: Wednesday

8:34am HOME Banana
9:36 WORK Everything bagel with cream cheese from local deli
9:54 Started 10oz. of water
11:54 Finished water, started another 32oz.
12:46pm Slice of cheese pizza from Mariella's, 12oz. can of Fresca, 3 salt and pepper soy crisps
2:11 1 rugalach, 1 small fruity cookie
3:37 A handful of unsalted/roasted cashews
4:18 Finished water
5:56 STREET 1 Butter Rum Lifesaver
6:58 HOME 15 grapes
7:12 Trader Joe's Chinese Chicken Salad
8:05 Banana
9:33 LAUNDROMAT Nature Valley Peanut Butter Granola Bar
10:27 HOME Granny smith apple

Video: The Lyre Bird Mimicks a Camera, Car Alarm, Chainsaw and Other Birds

Food Diary: Day 1

Posted June 14, 2006

Having recently read and enjoyed New York Magazine's five food diaries and followed along with Tien's, I decided to do my own. I'm always curious about what other people eat, so I thought I'd start the dialogue. Feel free to give it a shot on your site.

Day 1: Tuesday

9:30am OFFICE Begin 30oz. of water
10:52 Sesame bagel and cream cheese from street cart
11:20 Banana
11:29 Finished water
1:55pm GRACE'S MARKET Swiss cheese cube
2:09 OFFICE Begin 20oz. of water
2:11 4 pieces of fresh salmon sushi, 8 maki tuna roll pieces (both with wasabi and soy sauce)
2:33 Golden delicious apple
2:56 Finished 20oz. of water
3:36 4 pretzels
4:19 12oz. can of Diet Coke
7:15 HOME Heaping bowl of rotini with pasta sauce and ground turkey, 1.5 glasses of water
8:36 About 40 grapes
11:05 25 pieces of Trader Joe's Frosted Shredded Wheat Cereal

Google Maps Pedometer

Cool hack for recording distances and elevation using Google Maps. Here's my bike route to work [via Chris]

Video Simulation of a Meteor Hitting Earth

It's in Japanese, but you shouldn't have a hard time figuring out that we don't make it. [via kottke]

Google's Firefox Browser Sync

Don't listen to everyone else Google; you still rock

Trailer for Ratatouille, Next Summer's Brad Bird Pixar Film
George Bush "Sings" Sunday Bloody Sunday

Holy crap. Awesome editing job.

Sket One's Custom Toys Based on Food and Household Products

Too bad these are super-pricey because they're super-awesome

Thoughts on Vox

Posted June 7, 2006

20060607vox.gifI managed to snag a starter account for Vox (aka Six Apart's Project Comet) and I'm definitely impressed so far, despite not being able to post entries. Vox is a Typepad-ified version of Livejournal, which is exactly what I've always wanted. It gives you all the ease of adding photos, music/book reviews or straight blog posts while being able to restrict who gets to see your thoughts. The best part is the beautiful templates. I'll be happy to leave behind tweaking blog code.

As a starter member, I can't post anything aside from comments and my profile, but my homepage is still filled with everything I want to see.* I've got 10 recent posts, five recent pictures and a list of recent comments on the right side. Since a lot of friends are already on it and I'm sure more will follow, I'm confident that Vox will become my personal blog and will suplmement Capn Design.

I said it before, but Vox is about bringing the fit and finish of Typepad to Livejournal. Millions already use LiveJournal and I think they'll get a whole new group of people with Vox. It seems like something I could actually convince my family to use.

* I won't lie, I'm anxious to start posting. I understand and appreciate that they want to preserve the quality of the service by slowly allowing people full access, but it's like being told you got a Nintendo Wii for Christmas but not being able to play with it for a few weeks.

Update (6/7/06): A big fat thanks to fiveohseven, aka Jennifer, for the full invite. I've now got my full blog going on.

Cory Doctorow Visits a Radio Shack

a (most likely) fictional tale

Vox (aka Project Comet) Comes Out of Its Shell

Looks awesome. I want in on the beta yesterday. Internet, hook me up.

Top Tracks

Top Tracks

  • Guster
  • Brendon Small
  • Final Fantasy
  • The Futureheads
  • The Kooks

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