Capn Design

February 2006

This month I posted 16 entries, listened to 1180 songs, watched 5 videos, bookmarked 9 sites, took 25 photos and favorited 1 thing.

Looking at Data from Six Years of Movie Tickets

This is totally something I would do [via kottke]

My Theoretical SXSW Line-up

Posted February 20, 2006

I am not going to South by Southwest this year. Well, I've never gone, but that's only because I can't rationalize spending a bunch of money to go down there purely for my own entertainment. Thankfully, I can live vicariously through blog posts and flickr pools. I'll get some of the enjoyment without the lighter wallet and complete lack of sleep.

Instead of sitting idly by and letting you go to whatever shows you want, I figured I'd offer you the shows I would have seen if I were going. This way you can go to them for me and take pictures.

I've highlighted my picks for each night and listed bands that I already enjoy and those whom I'm curious about. I omitted quite a few bands I like because they were either obvious choices or tour non-stop. Oh, and I am well aware that I would not be able to see all these shows due to many laws of time and space, but I am going to assume these would have no effect on me since my trip to Austin is happening in my mind.

Wed 03/15

Beth Orton @ Antone's
k-os @ Antone's
Laura Veirs @ Caribbean Lights
The Go! Team @ Exodus
Built to Spill @ La Zona Rosa
Limbeck @ Momo's
Hockey Night @ The Velvet Spade Patio

Thurs 03/16

The Zutons @ Austin Music Hall
Chin Up Chin Up @ Emo's Jr.
Mark Mallman @ Exodus
The Twilight Singers @ Friends
The Hidden Cameras @ Molotov Lounge
Nada Surf @ The Parish
Damien Jurado @ Redrum

Fri 03/17

Neko Case @ Antone's
Billy Bragg @ Cedar Street Courtyard
Real Ones @ The Drink
Rye Coalition @ Emo's Jr.
Hotel Lights @ Friends
Black Heart Procession @ La Zona Rosa
Rogue Wave @ Red Eyed Fly
The Magic Numbers @ Stubb's

Sat 03/18

Okkervil River @ Emo's Annex
We Are Scientists @ Fox and Hound
Aberfeldy @ Karma Lounge
The Stills @ La Zona Rosa
Sam Roberts Band @ Momo's

If you want to see all the other bands that are playing, SXSW has listed them all and many have mp3s for your listening pleasure.

Brooklynites Love Hasidim

Posted February 17, 2006

Some Netflix fansite pointed out Netflix's Local Favorites page (the link only works if you're logged in) and I immediately clicked through as I tend to do for just about every link that crosses my path. I like to know what kind of people live near me and movies are a good way to gain insight. Unfortunately, I don't love what I see. Here's the top 10 around the 11217 zip code.

1. A Life Apart: Hasidism in America
2. Downtown 81 (New York Beat Movie)
3. New York (8-Disc Series)
4. Weekend
5. The Tenant (Le Locataire)
6. Time of the Wolf (Le Temps du Loup)
7. Funny Ha Ha
8. My Life to Live
9. Happy Together
10. Videodrome

Ugh, what? I know that Brooklyn has a big Jewish population, but are there enough folks interested in Hasidim to make it the number one movie? The rest of it is artsy-fartsy stuff, which is the opposite of the Top 100 for all Netflix users.

Although it might fall in the artsy classification, I was happy to see my friend John's movie How to Draw a Bunny at number seventeen.* A welcome respite from the weird choices abound.

* Okay, so he's more Karen's friend, but I've met him several times. Several.

NYT Food Critic Frank Bruni Starts a New Blog, Diner's Journal
NYT on, Which is Like Ebay for Lending

A great concept, but I'm guessing individuals are more likely to let their emotions get in the way of how they bid on loans

I Turned 85 Overnight

Posted February 14, 2006

20060214sciatica.jpgLast week, I started having some weird pains in my upper leg / butt region. I initially thought it was a pulled muscle, but my doctor confirmed that I have sciatica, or as I like to call it, old-guy-itis. Simply put, sciatica occurs when your sciatic nerve is irritated by something, anything in your body. This blows because your sciatic nerve goes from your butt all the way down to your toes.

It's a mild case and the doc gave me some anti-inflamatories, so I'll make it to see another day, but sciatica just sounds old. It makes me think I should get some elastic pants, velcro shoes and a 5 lb. bucket of prunes.* Okay, I'm taking it too far, but I do wonder how much my mostly sedentary life is to blame. I think it's time to get the body moving on a regular basis.

My favorite current diagnosis is pregnancy sympathy pains, or Couvade Syndrome. No, I have not impregnated anyone personally, but my coworker is prego. And since I am a baby-freak by male standards, a few in the office believe that to be the cause. I won't confirm or deny this rumor, but I will tell you this — I am dying for a pickle, peanut butter and anchovy sandwich.

* When is old-man chic going to hit the hipster set?

The Blizzard of State Street

Posted February 12, 2006


Yes, we got 26.9 inches of snow today. Good times. I've posted a photoset on flickr.

Long But Informative Recap of the Cubs' Personnel Moves under Jim Hendry

Things I Hope to Buy By Year's End

Posted February 9, 2006

1. A 100 GB iPod (maybe this is it?)
2. A Series 3 Tivo
3. A 2nd generation Intel iBook

New Midtown Apple Store Will Be Open 24/7

It's also going to be 25,000 square feet. Damn.

Trailer for Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette

Out this fall and I'm excited

ESPN Super Bowl Poll Results

Posted February 6, 2006


To no one's surprise, ESPN held a poll on the result of the Super Bowl. The people predicted Pittsburgh would win (and they were right). It also seems, as you can see above, that they broke the poll results down by state. This isn't an earth-shattering development in poll results, but I'd never seen it for sports. I like seeing where each state's affinity lies.

The hometown states picked their teams by large margins, as did the states that bordered them. Every other state picked Pittsburgh, which makes sense if you believe in the wisdom of crowds. Still, I liked seeing how far the ripple of support spread for each team. I imagine a team like the Cowboys would have much wider support than a nobody like the Steelers.

If you're interested in seeing more of these, ESPN has archived their polls for you.

In other news, the game was pretty much a bore aside from a few exciting plays. I shouldn't be shocked. I probably should have tivo'd the game and went to the un-superbowl party I was invited to by proxy. Next year I'll know better, unless the Bears are in it.

Nacho Libre Trailer

Written by Mike White, directed by Jared Hess, starring Jack Black [via Cinematical]

Chuck Klosterman is Blogging the Super Bowl from Detroit

[via What is Recoil?]

Great (But Long) Interview with Ze Frank
Adidas Unveils the 37 Shoes in their Adicolor Series

There's a few nice shoes in there, but I think the DIY-style White Series could result in amazing custom sneakers.

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