Uh, I have spent too much time on this already. I'm having a hell of a time getting son of suckerfish dropdowns to work in IE Mac. I'm fairly certain it's the javascript that is unhappy, but I really don't know. It could be a bigger issue.
Anyway, if any of you CSS gurus have a few minutes this afternoon I'd really appreciate it. I've just spent too much time on the problem this morning and need to move on for the moment. Your amazing reward, beside my undying graditude, is getting to see the redesign of my work site early. Wheeee!
Update: Fixed! It was indeed the javascript and this page had the solution, which he/she grabbed from here originally. On top of that, I was able to hack the flash detection script so it would serve an image for IE on Mac. Damn, that browser blows.
08/30/05 10:04 PM
I gave up on IE on the mac a while ago, begrudingly. It was hard to do, as I KNEW there was a small percentage using the site with that browser.
It's just too dang finicky.
10/13/05 10:04 AM
You might be interested in knowing that there's a hack for IE 5 Mac. What you could do is create a stylesheet just for IE Mac, and create a substandard menu (perhaps with nested links instead of css flyout menus) that can be read only by IE Mac v. 5. The trick is to import the special css style sheet (don't link it) with no space between the @import and the URL of the special IE Mac 5 css style sheet, when the URL is omitted. Example: @import("ie5mac.css"). The other browsers won't pick up on this css style sheet because they don't load css style sheets this way.