Capn Design

July 2005

This month I posted 10 entries, listened to 805 songs, watched 3 videos, bookmarked 2 sites and took 65 photos.

I Gave Into the Siren Call of MT 3.2

Posted July 27, 2005

Yeah, you would have expected to see this post about a year ago when Movable Type 3.0 was announced, but I was hesitant about screwing with how my site works. To be honest, I was (am) still nervous about installing 3.17 tonight. But MT 3.2 was just too enticing, which is why I made my first step towards it. If everything went as planned, you'll see much less swearing and all of it will be jubilant. Wish me luck.

It's, Like, a Bajillion Degrees

Posted July 19, 2005

I know it's been hot everywhere these past few weeks, but New York City has been painful. Today, the heat index was over 100 degrees. Obviously, that's hot. But when you're in a city packed as tightly as New York, the X factor plays a significant role.

The mysterious X makes your shoes sweat and turns the air into rotten butter. It makes my air conditioning cry blood. Other cities aren't like this. I've been in Chicago for Taste of Chicago when it was 95 degrees and it wasn't as bad. Imagine being surrounded by one million fat, sweaty tourists and thousands of pounds of hot italian beef, then know that New York is somehow worse. I don't know how or why, but it is.

This is why I am currently singing songs to my window A/C unit. I think it just whispered, "Put me out of misery." I wish I could, but it's only July 18th. There's way too much summer left.

Bluejake Displays Some of my Photos Today
Keyboard with Screens for Keys

Just a prototype, but I'd love to have one of these.

A Few Things of Note

Posted July 15, 2005

1. I am back from my fishing trip. It was good times and so relaxing. Plus, free fish. Yummy.

2. I have one free pro flickr account to give away before the end of the day (Friday). First one to ask me gets it. Alas, we have a winner. Sorry I couldn't help everyone out.

3. I'll be at Siren Fest on Saturday, so keep an eye out for me if you'll be there. I'm excited for Diamond Nights and curious to see Dungen live.

4. I've been on a reading tear. I'll give proper reviews later, but in the last two weeks I read I Pass Like Night, Girl in Landscape, Killing Yourself to Live and Everything Bad is Good for You. Tomorrow night I shall pick up the new Harry Potter. You know you're jealous.

Photos from my Trip to Montreal Last Weekend

On Safety and Terrorism

Posted July 7, 2005

This morning's attacks caught me offguard. I guess that tends to happen with terrorism, but I've felt safe lately and hadn't thought much about mortality. In fact, earlier this week I was thinking about the new Freedom Tower plans for lower Manhattan and how crazy the 20-story concrete and metal base is. I also questioned why I live in New York City and put myself at risk. I love my city, but am I willing to put myself in harm's way so I can see movies two weeks before the rest of the country? Yes, I am trivializing what New York is about but this morning's bombings brought up a lot of questions for me.

When I rode the subway home, there were three police officers in my car. I suppose they are there more to make me feel at ease than to actually stop an attack. I don't know that I felt safer but I did wonder what these cops would have been doing if it were not for this morning.

Maybe we're not approaching terrorism the right way. Or maybe we'll never be able to stop it. I'm not sure, but I feel very unsettled. I guess it's appropriate I'm heading to International Falls, MN for a long weekend to go fishing. It's possible I could come back with the answers to everything. I guess you'll find out next week.

My heart goes out to all of those involved in the attacks.

Wikipedia Page on London Bombing
Amazing Search Function on Maniacal Rage


Proxima Nova Released

A pretty hot font


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