The following is a letter I sent to Apple's support department in regards to iTunes:
Hi, I am currently using iTunes to manage my iPod library. I have a 30GB iPod and somewhere close to 50GB of MP3 and AAC files. Obviously, I can't put all of the songs in my library onto my iPod. The problem with this situation is that I am required to update my iPod manually or via playlists. This makes it very easy for me to have duplicate files on my iPod.
I'm not sure of the best way to do it, but I would like iTunes to know when I am putting multiple versions of a song on my iPod. A possible solution could be a special playlist in iTunes that will list all of the songs on my iPod. When I attach my iPod it will sync with this playlist instead of my entire library. The distinguishing features of this playlist would be its ability to recongnize duplicate songs and its awareness of the size of my iPod. This way I would not add too many songs and there would never be duplicates of the ones I add.
As more and more people begin to transfer their music collections to digital files, this will become a bigger issue. Thanks for your time and I hope to see a similar feature in a future version of iTunes.
For those of you in the same situation (more songs in your library than what can fit on your iPod), how do you deal with the problem? Myself and a couple friends are having issues.
01/21/04 10:19 AM
Me thinks you don't understand iTunes. USE playlists. Don't ignore them.
01/21/04 10:45 AM
If you have 50GB, its obvious you cant squeeze it onto a 30GB iPod. The answer is to use playlists.
The issue of duplicates is only relevant if you do, in fact, have duplicates. Different "versions" of songs are not duplicates.
Playlists are references to the actual song file much like an alias or short-cut referrs to the originial file.
I have several playlists where the same song resides (say, 80's music, easy listening, favorites). This doesnt mean that the song is in three times. (this can be confirmed by going to Version Tracker and downloading a utility that can rip-out songs from an iPod. Youll see, there are no duplicates).
For instance, I have over 100GB of tunes and a 40GB iPod. Lots of those albums contain only one or two songs that I want. One solution is to delete the "side b" tunes. But sometimes I might want to listen to them, or maybe someone else wants to listen to them. Whatever, I keep them all.
My solution is to grade all of the songs I know by filling in the "Group" ID tag with grading like "Group A", - "Group D".
I also use several other grading schemes for genres of music like "Space", "Techno", "Comedy".
Then, I use playlists religiously as the source of my iPods music. I synch only the playlists I want. In my case, all of my music that I have graded fits into my 40GB iPod with room to spare. Other tunes, that I dont listen to, but say my mother, brother, girlfriend listens to, still reside in iTunes but is not synchronized because of my system of using Playlists.
There really is no limit as to how you can use playlists, smart playlists (the playlists that look purple), and mp3 tags.
01/21/04 11:02 AM
Thanks for the advice, it's definitely useful. You made me realize that I didn't explain a couple things in the email.
Typically, I listen to an entire album when I'm listening to music, especially on my iPod. So, I don't have too many playlists because they aren't going to help me find my music any faster.
Currently, I use a playlist I call "iPod" and automatically sync that with my iPod. It works fine, but I want a way to know if I've gone over my limit without having to plug in my iPod or if I have any duplicates. Also, if you are using regular (not smart) playlists, it is definitely possible to have the same file in the playlist twice. This was the main reason I was frustrated.
01/21/04 11:41 AM
I've used the comments tag in conjunction with my songs in iTunes to specifically tag duplicate songs. From this, it is fairly simple to make a smart playlist that removes all of the duplicate songs from the playlist (search for Comments do not include "duplicate") or something like that. My library is only about 6.5 GB, though, so it may not be practical on a larger scale. Sorting the library by song name makes it fairly easy to spot duplicate songs; I'm not sure how easy it would be to set up an AppleScript to automate the process.
I'm not sure if that solution would work for you because of the size of your library, or your listening habits. But that's what I did to get my library into a 5 GB iPod back when I was using that one.
Also, if you double-click on your iPod playlist, it should say at the bottom of the window how much space the playlist takes. From that it's a simple matter to determine whether you've gone over your limit.
01/21/04 4:05 PM
A couple points:
First, when you create a playlist the size of that playlist appears in the bottom of the iTunes window. This lets you know if your playlist will fit the iPod.
Admittedly, this isn't perfect. I actually use multiple iPod playlists - each iPod playlist startes with � to differentiate from non-iPod playlists. If a tune appears in more than one iPod playlist it's file size makes two appearances but the file itself gets placed on the iPod only once. In other words, I often wind up having more room on my iPod than I initially expect due to duplicates.
Second, read the last bit again again. If your playist duplicates a song it doesn't put that some on the iPod twice.
01/21/04 4:51 PM
I'm not sure if you're synching your iPod with a Mac or a PC, but if it's a Mac you can use applescripts like those found at Doug's Applescripts for iTunes ( to solve all of your problems. There are over 250 scripts -- many to perform library maintenance tasks like identifying and eliminating duplicates, etc. Highly recommended!
01/22/04 9:56 AM
To clarify, a playlists are just lists referring to the "Library" of music.
I could have a song listed 10,000 times in 10,000 different playlists, yet it will only take up space of one song.
Playlists do not physically take up space, the library does.
08/10/04 10:56 PM
Off the topic of playlists for a moment...
Does any one know how to best use two macs with one ipod and sync two itunes libraries?