Currently, I work in a marketing department. It's the first time I've done so and, as a result, I am learning a lot about email marketing. One of the first things my boss taught me was that inundating your audience with email, especially when you are asking for something -- money in our case -- is not the way to go. We try not to send anyone email more than twice a month. In the last seven days I have received four from the Kerry campaign.
Obviously, this is terribly annoying. Unfortunately, it's only the tip of the iceberg. A week ago I got a letter from the campaign that was written in ALL CAPS. It was demanding I urgently send in a donation as the campaign is in dire need of money to combat Bush. I found it offensive. Why is John Kerry acting like a spammer? I want to support his campaign, both monetarily and with a vote, but when it's hard to differentiate his mail with ones about credit card debt I have troule paying attention. It's like the boy that cries wolf or a blog about hard drive-based MP3 players -- eventually you stop listening.
If the campaign, or anyone for that matter, has something important and worthwhile to tell me, I'm happy to listen, but Kerry has taken it too far. Seriously John, you don't have to remind me to donate everytime you start a new commercial on tv. I propose you follow the lead of a software mailing list. Allow those who want to know about big news to sign up for one list and allow those who want to watch every move as it happens to sign up for the development list. It should be that easy.
I'll end this post by regretfully telling you that I've unsubscribed from your email list. It's out of control. You'll still be getting my vote in the fall but our near-daily email communication will have to stop. I'm sorry.
06/23/04 4:43 PM
This is exactly how I feel about Boston's children's hospital. I've donated twice, but I get at least a letter a week (thankfully, they don't have my email address) asking me for more donations. The worst were, immediately after each time I donated, I got a letter thanking me for my contribution and asking me for more. RIGHT AFTER I'D GIVEN MONEY. Don't they think I've already considered how much I could give and gave that amount?
Ugh. Thanks for giving me the space to vent. I know both are good causes, but don't alienate your supporters. (Esepecially at the expense of the sick kids!)
06/23/04 5:30 PM
i have many problems with the way the kerry campaign is run, and it makes me nervous.
that is all i'll say for now.
06/23/04 5:59 PM
I couldn't agree with you more. I don't like it when businesses spam me so what makes them think I'd like to be spammed by non-profits or candidates? Even if I'd normally listen to your message getting spammed by it just makes me tune it out.
06/24/04 7:38 PM
The urgency and the volume of the e-mail is due to the fact that the Kerry campaign is facing a rapidly closing window to spend the funds not publicly provided to them. When he accepts the nomination, almost a month before Bush, he has to rely on public election funds while Bush will be able to spend and raise funds without limit until September 1. That�s why you�ve got Kerry begging people to donate now before they miss their chance to support his candidacy.
Then again, the e-mails are annoying. You could simply ask to be taken off the list, I did, shortly after I donated $50.
06/28/04 12:34 PM
I have the same grievences with the Kerry emails. It bugs the hell out of me.
07/07/04 1:09 PM
I'd like to add a new annoyance. The Kerry Campaign has been calling me every day to invite me to a benefit in Milwaukee. I hang up every time cause I don't feel like waiting minutes to see what happens next. Yesterday they called me to thank me for my interest in attending but the event had been postponed. This means they will be calling me again. Argh!
07/31/04 11:35 AM
Bush will send out just as many and has sent out several letters wanting donations as well. All politicians do it. I am a registered Republican (voting for Kerry & supporting Kerry 100%) and I get letters & emails quite frequently from GWB asking for money.
It's how politics are run. No big surprise.
08/03/04 4:39 PM
I am a Kerry supporter and I would like to market for him. We run a call center here in CA. Please call me at 800-551-0567 ext 4304