Six Apart wants to know how I'm using Movable Type. So, here you go.

Currently, I am running my personal site using weblogs. It is non-commercial and I am the only author. I have another weblog, Summer Movie Extravaganza that is personal and is no longer active. It was for a finite time and didn't even work out for that. I have a weblog for an old law class that I used to study for a final exam. It had three authors (including myself). Finally, I housed a blog for a friend of mine for a short period of time, which has been inactive since October 2003.

I am also planning, in a very short time, to create a group blog for a movie group I'm a part of. It would be non-commerical and would have anywhere from 5 to 15 authors.

I occasionally create weblogs purely for testing purposes, but I have nothing in my system right now.

An Update on Pricing

It is worth noting that Six Apart has changed the pricing for Movable Type 3.0 in response to concerns from customers. That's fantastic. The new plan is that every personal license will start at $69.95, which will include five weblogs and five authors. You can purchase an add-on that allows one additional weblog and author for another $9.95. That's pretty reasonable.

My only concern is the way this effects group blogs. If I were to start a blog for my movie club, I would be paying $10 for everyone after the first four who join up. I don't know if that seems right, but I'm guessing that Six Apart is working on this.