We have another freebie in the midst. Metro is a new free newspaper that has a bit more history than AM New York. Unlike a number of the free newspapers across the country, Metro is not published by a major daily in the city (AM New York is published by Newsday, I'm pretty sure). Metro itself is published "in more than 100 cities in 16 countries in 15 languages across Europe, North & South America and Asia" (according to the press release, in PDF format). I guess that makes it more prestigious, but not so much.
Metro has the same basic format as AM New York. It is 80% AP articles with the ocassional piece written by someone they've hired and, of course, it's free. I haven't read AMNY all that much, but Metro seems to be appealling to a more educated and refined audience. In other words, AMNY is to the Daily News as Metro is to the Times (that's not a commentary on quality, just on the types of articles they publish and the way the way they present the news). Today's covers have similar content, but present it in a very different way. AMNY relies on massive photos that pop off the cover while Metro has a more laid back approach, one that allows the headlines to speak more than the pictures. After the front page, everything changes.
AMNY's second page has articles entitled, "NJ starve duo indicted," "Martha gets denied" and New cigs to help reduce fires." Metro has "Prisoner deaths rise," U.S. soldier, 15 Iraqis killed," "Bush seeks $25 billion for Iraq war," "Congress votes to slow tax" and "Cartoonist receives death threats." Essentially, Metro is reporting on real news and AMNY is looking for the salacious headline.
It's clear these two papers are appealing to different audiences. Metro claims their paper "is designed and packaged for a young, urban, active, well-educated audience..." AMNY claims their paper is "A must-read for time-poor, cash-rich 18- to 34-year-old professionals with active social lives -- a demographic that does not read traditional newspapers."
Personally, Metro is much more appealing to me. It's providing news that I'd actually want to read and I don't have to pay a dime for it. Unfortunately, no one ever hands out free papers at the Nevins St. stop in Brooklyn.
Today's editions in PDF format:
AM New York
05/06/04 4:51 PM
This is totally irrelevant, but I've read about this new paper on a few NY-based sites and I think it's funny that everyone's calling it "Metro," when we in Boston call it "the Metro."
I also think it's odd that it's hit 100+ cities before NY. Were they just daunted by the size?
05/08/04 8:37 PM
Gawd, the front page of "AM" is AWFUL. What a mess.
And are those front page ads on both of those papers? Fuuuuuck.
05/19/04 2:47 PM
If this is as successful as the UK version of Metro it is going to be a massive hit. Every commuter in London I've seen rushes to get a copy.
06/03/04 9:15 AM
i know this post is old, but just in case you were ever wondering why they're so similar, it's because AM's editor used to be a managing editor at Metro Boston. so basically, he just stole the design of a paper that was already sucessful all over the world.