The last few days there has been a lot of press about the death of former NFL player Pat Tillman. He died in combat while serving in Afghanistan. From all accounts, he seems to have been a great man who decided to serve his country instead of play football professionally. I think that's quite honorable.

The problem I have is that Tillman's death has gotten so much press. It's clear the reason for the focus on him over other GIs who have died in the line of duty is his time in the NFL, but I think that's wrong. In fact, while reading an obituary of sorts from Newsweek, I found out that he didn't even want any notoriety for his service.

Pat Tillman wanted no attention, no glory, for joining the rank and file. He "didn't want to be singled out from his brothers and sisters in the military," says former Cardinals coach Dave McGinnis. Tillman apparently had made a pact with his family to stay silent about his service, a promise they have kept. They have gathered to grieve inside the comfortable family home in a leafy enclave of San Jose.

So, it is frustrating to see his name plastered all over the news solely because he started on an NFL team. Newsweek said, "But Tillman's death is a startling billboard of grief, a reminder that these lost soldiers�all of them, famous or not�had so much left to give." I understand and appreciate this, but I think there are probably equally interesting stories of soldiers who had some desire to be eulogized by the media.