I'm not really a watch person. I've had watches before but I'm not really a fan of jewelry and I have trouble picking out a watch I like. Despite this fact, I got a watch today at the MoMA Design Store in Soho while shopping with my parents (who were kind enough to get me the watch as an early Hannukah present). I knew it was a good purchase because I was not looking for a watch. When I look for something like that I either end up taking months to find it or I buy something I only kinda enjoy. I really like this one.

The watch is designed by Tibor Kalman (an obit from Salon) of M&Co. It is a beautifully simple design that features only one major graphic -- the number five.

While looking for links about the watch's designer I came across all of this wonderful information about Tibor. He seems to be a very interesting designer who has bucked the trend in a lot of ways. If you'd like to read more about him you can check out a great interview with Adbusters or this article at undesign.org, a site devoted to the thoughts of Tibor Kalman.

Now, I have both a wonderful watch and a person worthy of researching. I will truly enjoy wearing it.

My New Watch