This weekend I was working again, but it was a good time. For American Photo I help out on these photo workshops we run in addition to managing the website I just linked to. The weekends are flat out intense. I probably got a total of 11 hours of sleep between Thursday and Sunday but I also got to see the sunrise on the top of the Empire State Building. Completely spectacular. I also loved meeting all of the people involved in the trip. The students were completely passionate about their art and the staff was a blast. I'm hoping that I can keep staffing these in addition to my web duties.
As a result of the weekend, I went to sleep at 10:30 last night and am waking up now. I feel refreshed. I also only plan on going into work for a short period of time. It's my birthday and I am going to celebrate it by enjoying this beautiful day and going to my improv class tomorrow night. I was treated to dinner by some friends last night (thanks) and I hope to go out with my uncles tomorrow, but I think I'll make this birthday about enjoying life with myself.
So, happy birthday to me.