Tonight I went to a Meetup. It was my third one but the first time I've gone to web design. Unforunately, only three people showed up. I had a good time chatting, but it would have been nice if more people came (12 RSVPed). I was looking for help with a new project, but the two people there weren't really interested.
Has anyone else been to one and had some success? Maybe I'm going to the wrong ones, but I have yet to have a really good time. I love the concept and I'll give it all another shot next week at the Weblogger meetup.
03/15/03 11:59 AM
I don't know if you're interested in politics, but I want to go to the Howard Dean for President Meetup. I keep RSVPing every time, and something always comes up.
I'll have to look into other kinds of Meetups... I hadn't thought of it. thanks.