Recently, I have been toying with the idea of buying an 8-bit Nintendo. Aside from the nostalgia, there are some really amazing games for that system, and you can find it for a good price on ebay. Still, I think I will save this for a reward when I finally find a job.
If living in the black, my own apartment and a sense of security isn't enough, then Baseball Stars and Super Tecmo Bowl will certainly push me over the edge.
10/20/02 1:21 AM
I've got one. It's currently disconnected, but man, that first Super Mario Brothers is still fun to play.
10/21/02 10:39 PM
two of my favorite nintendo games: crystallis and bionic commando. the bionic commando guy's robotic arm was the coolest thing. and don't even get me started on the mega man games, which are all awesome. NEW TRINA!!!