As you can plainly see, the new design is up and ready to go (or at least it seems so from my end). I ended up not using complete CSS layout, only because ie5/pc was giving me trouble and the majority of my users have that setup. But, it will be complete CSS layout once I have the chance to fiddle some more.
There's a whole slew of new things. You have the photos in the center bar, which will be a pop-up (but don't worry, you can resize). There's also a new section called minireviews, and that's in the right bar. Instead of reviewing all my movies/cds/etc in the blog, I created a whole new section. And you can comment in both new features. Finally, I changed around my calendar function (in the middle). Instead of being links to my archives, you can hover over them to see what I'll be up to in the current month. I stole that idea completely from lifeuncommon, cuz it's a great one.
There's still the about page to switch over, a few additions and probably a few bugs, but otherwise things are good to go. Enjoy and let me know what you think.
Oh, and this is officially a part of the May 1st Reboot
UPDATE: Oops. This still does not work in IE5.x/pc. damn. Back to the drawing board and possible complete table time. Yuck.
05/01/02 9:21 AM
this looks really HOT. kudos
05/01/02 9:52 PM
Looks great! The colors flow very nicely and are easy on the eyes. Great job!
05/02/02 4:33 PM
It is in my opinion that this site is as valuable to the world wide web as was the steel plow to medieval agrarian society.
05/03/02 12:43 AM
I like it. Man, could the May 1 site have any more flash wankery?