Today was my last day of college, forever. Funny thing is, I slept through it. It's actually more ridiculous than appropriate, but it happened.

Now is the time when I should reflect back on 4 years of college, but I don't think I want to. It's not that it isn't worth reflection, it's just that I am ready to move on. College was fun and classes were generally interesting, but it just wasn't my lifestyle. I think I went straight from 17 to 25 (for those of you laughing, I am not talking about maturity in the "farting on people" way, but in the "i want to grow up, have a family and have couples over for dinner" way).

So I am glad that college is coming to an end. Learning is cool, but it's time for some structure. Plus, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade (I know it makes no sense, but I feel this needs to end with a clich�).