Get yr Eels on. I am back and I am back. By that I mean I have already been home and now I am back in Madison. Capice? Capice.
Being home was nice but brief, the highlight being The Eels show last night. It was their first time back in Chicago in 5 years and the first time I had seen them. They are arguably the most interesting band on Dreamworks (if it weren't for Andrew WK I would have said "major label"). The show was the perfect blend of new/old and was kicked off with the best cover I've ever heard, Get Your Freak On. Ridiculous.
Speaking of ridiculous: Virtua Fighter 4. I just might buy it.
It's too bad break's over but it means I'm that much closer to finishing school. Time to write some Emmie articles.
04/01/02 9:37 AM
I don't get it -- how is virtua fighter 4 different from Tekken 4 or Street Fighter 4 or any of those other games? What's so ri-donk-ulous about this game? Are the VF girls more bootylicious?
04/01/02 4:39 PM
I don't want to sound like too much of a videogame geek, but there are different styles to fighting games. There are weapons based and hand based games, right-hand central or left-hand central games, and each game has its own scheme of combo moves. And of course each has its own distinct characters. I've always liked the style of VF the best and this new one is just a cut above everything, I think.
I have no comment on the bootyliciousness of the girls. That is beneathe me.
04/01/02 7:28 PM