Establishment Clause
Lemon v. Kurtzman

p. 877

F: Private, religious schools are receiving gov't support for non-secular items, most notably teacher salaries in secular subjects.

I: Does this impinge on establishment clause?

H: Yes.

R: Although the government had a secular purpose and they were careful to avoid furthering the religion, they proved to be excessively entagled with these schools. It would lead to a slippery slope.

Ru: The Lemon Test looks for:
1. Secular purpose.
2. Doesn't advance/inhibit religion.
3. No excessive entanglement.

Posted by capn
Alleghany v. ACLU

p. 962

F: A creche is displayed near the staircase of a courthouse. A menorah, Christmas Tree and liberty sign are just outside the courthouse.

I: Does this impinge of establishment clause?

H: Creche=yes, menorah=no.


Posted by capn