How to Join


If you've read other portions of this site, you will realize that this committee is made up of students, union members, faculty and staff, although it is predominately students. Anyone who fits in this category can join and help shape the direction of the committee. Some of things you can do is book bands, meet the bands, create promotional items (flyers, ads, handbills), work on our website, create contracts, work on budgets, have a damn good time. If you don't know how to do these things, don't worry. The committee is a learning process and people around you will help you.

We meet once a week throughout the year (including summer) in Memorial Union. During the school year we meet on Tuesdays at 5:00, check the TITU for room location. The summer time and day can be found on this page in a few weeks. If you have any questions or would like to get involved and can't make the meetings, go to the contact page to reach our directors or other heads of the committee.